The Real Deal in Sports (KGNU - Boulder/Denver/Ft. Collins)
Hosted by Josh Chetwynd from November 2013 to December 2018, The Real Deal in Sports was a show about the cultural, social, political, spiritual and economic impact of sports on the world. It was generally a 55-minute, live, call-in program on the third Wednesday of every month on KGNU Radio, which was simulcast on 88.5 FM and 1390 AM in the Denver-Boulder-Ft. Collins areas. It aired from 8:35 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
December: Gender and sports
September: Colin Kaepernick and his relationship with Nike
August: Donald Trump and the USFL: interview with author Jeff Pearlman (30-minute, taped interview)
July: The role of coaches in political discourse
April: Are we seeing diminishing interest in major commercial spectator sports?
March: The Youth Sports Industrial Complex
February: Trump and sports
January: The geopolitical ramifications of the Olympics in South Korea
December: Rules and repercussions in sports and what they mean to the world in general
November: Sexual assault and harassment in sports
September: The cost of collegiate sports and its impact on universities
August: Racial issues and the NFL
July: Sports media and political bias
June: Climate change and its impact on outdoor recreation activities
May: Sports activism interview with Matt Liston (30-minute, taped interview)
April: Understanding sports fandom
March: The intersection of sports and opioid addiction
January: What sports can teach us about losing
December: The prevalence of guns in the sports world and its impact
November: Sports language and how it affects politics, governance and elections
September: Why is the NFL America's no. 1 sport and what does that say about Americans?
August: Gender politics and the Olympics
July: The role sports have played (and can play) in race relations
May: The perils of the Rio Olympics
April: Transgender athletes
March: The impact of political endorsement from athletes
February: How do we (and how should we) define the word "sport"?
January: Sports governance and scandal
December: Domestic abuse and athletes
November: Marijuana use in athletics
October: Sports as an agent for positive change
September: Hero worship in professional sports
August: 2015: the summer of the female athlete
July: How much has baseball lost its cultural relevance?
June: The intersection of ethics and sports
May: Climate change, sustainability and the environment through the prism of sports
April: The importance of community role models in sports
March: The connection between nostalgia and sports
February: Our cultural obsession with hearing athletes talk off-the-field
January: Efforts by Americans to export U.S. sports culture abroad
December: Sports and religion
November: Sports gambling and the rise of one-day online fantasy games
September: The racial integration of pro football (30-minute, taped episode)
August: The changing role women play in major men's professional team sports
July: The role sports films play in society
June: Soccer's position on America's sporting (and cultural) landscape
May: The community responsibilities of pro sports owners
April: Legal actions taken by athletes seeking fair compensation
March: Sports philanthropy
February: Athlete endorsements and marketing
January: Politics and the Olympics
December: The culture of long distance running and what it says about the wealthy and poor (30-minute, taped)
November: Gen Y athletes and how they approach sports (30-minute, taped)
October (DEMO): The rise of youth sports professionalization and specialization (30-minute, taped)