Chetwynd has worked as a staff reporter for USA Today, The Hollywood Reporter and U.S. News & World Report and has done freelance work for numerous other publications. He's written on a broad variety of topics, including the environment, the entertainment industry, sports, legal issues, politics and the economy. Here are some samples of varying lengths.
"We cannot MacGyver our way out of the climate crisis" - Medium
"Heat waves, by any other name" - Medium
"Personal identity is underappreciated fuel for climate crisis" - Medium
"Four shades of greenhouse gaslighting" - Medium
"We need the Lorax" - Medium
"When social media meets climate change" - Medium
"Why words matter when talking about climate change" - Medium
"Water and Weed: Marijuana farmers and water administrators face a common challenge working together" - Headwaters magazine
"Taking Care of Business: For Colorado businesses, water stewardship and risk management is a matter of accountability - and bottom line" - Headwaters magazine
"Collaboration By Design: Successful outcomes rely on social science and artful engineering" - Headwaters magazine
"Renewing the Delta" - Headwaters magazine
"New Jersey insurance agents beware: Scientists say an earthquake is in the state's future" - Insurance Business America
"'Splatter-casting' the Sierra Club Message" - U.S. News & World Report
"Borden Chemicals Accused by U.S. in Pollution Suit" - The Wall Street Journal
"Taking the green out of conservation" - The Monitor
Movies and Television
"Talking climate change at the Academy Awards" - Medium
"Emmys: 'House of Cards' Reinvents Foundation" - Variety
"A Big Divergence from DGA in field crowded with talent" - Variety
"Telepics boosted by Tentpole Pics" - Variety
"Ricky Didn't Lose Their Number" - Variety
"Hawkes is Good to the 'Bone'" - Variety
"It's a Slam-dunk for 'Slumdog' at the BAFTA Awards" - USA Today
"Writers' block: 'Diablo' duo hopes a strike isn't in the script, but they're prepared" - USA Today
"New Vistas: Despite their numbers, Latinos have yet to conquer the big screen" - USA Today
"Escaping R Bondage: A PG-13 Rating Looks Golden for Latest 007 Film" - USA Today
"Lights, Camera, Money? Financiers Play Growing Role In Movie Making" - USA Today
"At Last Donen is Dancing with an Oscar of his Own" - The Hollywood Reporter
"Mandalay's On Par for 20-Film Deal" - The Hollywood Reporter
"Feverish fans brave boiler-room setting" - The Hollywood Reporter
"Show Them The Money!" - The Hollywood Reporter
"Taking your LUMPs" - Nine
"In search of the all-time greatest LOOGY season" - Medium
"Can curling save the planet?" - Medium
"Fantastic Finishes, Bold Banter: TNT’s Sports Buzz" - Variety
"Can TV Soccer Kick Second-Class Status" - Variety
"New Venue, Big Appetite" - Variety
"Basketball Stars Earn Broadway Assist" - Variety
"Stan Lee Ready To Drop The Puck" - Variety
"Canada Routs Germany in WBC Qualifier Final" - Baseball America
"Test Players Step Up To the Plate But Get Taken Out To A Whole New Ballgame" - The Times (London)
"Cricket Anyone? Obvious similarities make baseball, cricket sibling sports" -
"Why aren't we talking more about Fred McGriff?" -
"Olympic Dream Still Has Life Going Into Last Inning"- USA Today
"The Hoopster Superhustle" - U.S. News & World Report
"The Labor Issue: Baseball's Busch league" - U.S. News & World Report
"Trying for 'one more summer in the sun'" - USA Today Baseball Weekly
Legal Issues
"South Dakota Supreme Court to decide insurance liability in road kill collision case" - Insurance Business America
"Federal court rules policy renewal clauses must offer similar terms to original deal" - Insurance Business America
"Michigan Supreme Court avoids decision on contentious insurance case" - Insurance Business America
"Clubhouse Controversy: A Study of Dispute Resolution Processes between Teammates in Major League Baseball" - Harvard Negotiation Law Review
"Play Ball? An Analysis of Final-Offer Arbitration, Its Use in Major League Baseball and Its Potential Applicability to European Football Wage and Transfer Disputes" - Marquette Sports Law Review
"Media moguls' court fight heats up" - USA Today
"'Amistad' embarks after suit fails to stop opening; But court says author raises 'serious questions'" - The Hollywood Reporter
"Up Against the Wal-Mart?" - Business Law Today
"Mock Trials: Giving Homeless Kids a Feel for the Law" - Human Rights
"Recoveries by U.S. From Civil Fraud Surged in Fiscal '94" - The Wall Street Journal
"An election judge's perspective" - Medium
"NY lawmaker proposes bill requiring gun owners to carry $250,000 in liability insurance" - Insurance Business America
"U.S. Senator pushing for growth in Vermont's captive insurance sector" - Insurance Business America
"Nevada Aims to Lure Filmmakers, TV Shows" - Variety
"Of Rational Turkeys and Other Tales: Women Voting for Women" - U.S. News & World Report
Washington Whispers column (assorted news-breaking items) - U.S. News & World Report
"What's Often Enigmatic and Ends In PAC? Oh, About 709 Things" - The Wall Street Journal
"Card Makers Capitalize on Capitol Folks" - The Wall Street Journal
"World Bank Calls for Pension Overhaul, With Less Emphasis on Public Programs" - The Wall Street Journal
"U.S. Plans to Ease Rules for Banks Trying to Expand" - The Wall Street Journal
"Housing Starts Increased 4.4% For September" - The Wall Street Journal
Insurance business
"Agents 'cautiously optimistic' that federal crop insurance program will not be slashed" - Insurance Business America
"Ohio insurance industry prepares for marijuana legalization vote" - Insurance Business America
"Surplus lines paperwork made easier in Delaware" - Insurance Business America
"Rhode Island follows trend in banning price optimization practices" - Insurance Business America
"Patriot National eyeing northeastern insurance firms for purchase" - Insurance Business America
"5 minutes with … John E. Bush, NP Dodge Insurance" - Insurance Business America
"How to Get A U.S. Work Visa" -
"How to Change A California Birth Certificate" -
"Quitclaim Deed Information" -